Daily Archives: June 22, 2015

Where Did This Come From?

Back to Blackston Lake, we find Craig and Carla having their wedding reception after Craig’s surprise birthday celebration that morning.  I didn’t bother to include the pages of info about who and what was going on during both.

Reason for this is because there was something going on in the background. Gifts are being brought in by people Craig and Carla don’t know. We’ve heard of wedding crashers but these people are a little different…

Tim finds a note on the door of the Awlsport Café.  “Thanks Tim, I kind of thought that was what brought in these unfamiliar faces,” he said.

“But they all brought a gift Craig. Tim is this some sort of tradition here?”

Mary joined them “Yes Carla, Mrs. Smith did her magic again.”

“Mary what do you mean?” Carla asked. “Oh now I remember,” Craig said. “I’ll tell you later Carla. Thanks Mary, Tim” Craig said.

Mary leaned over “We’ll be over at 10 tomorrow to help, Carla.”